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New Family Solutions Inc.

New Family Solutions provides services to families that have children with disabilities. Our goal is to help families live happy and fulfilled day to day lives, supporting parents as they encourage the growth and development of their children.

to About

    About Us   

New Family Solutions (NFS) is a qualified provider of services in the greater Edmonton area as well as rural locations in the North Central portion of the province. Founder and Director, Susan Johanson, first began delivering behavioral supports to rural communities in outlying areas. It was her goal to provide those families with the same high level of support as families who were able to access services in larger urban areas. 


In 2007 the company expanded to include Occupational Therapists, Speech & Language Pathologists and other Behavioral Consultants as more and more families were referred to our agency. Today we pride ourselves in delivering quality supports to families in a timely manner, both in the city and in outlying areas.


We deliver all services in-home but also make use of technology to provide video modeling and for ongoing communication between home visits.


Families that receive services from New Family Solutions must have a contract with Family Supports for Children with Disabilities (FSCD). Referrals for services can be made through your FSCD worker or parents  may directly refer if they have an FCSD contract.

to Services


Specialized Services
A multi-disciplinary team works
with your family  to teach
specific skills and strategies that will support parents in promoting their child’s development and participation in daily activities. Their goal is to help parents meet unique disability-related needs while maintaining healthy family functioning
Behavioral & Developmental


A Consultant provides specific goal oriented services to assist families and/or caregivers in learning and implementing strategies to help

manage behaviours and promote

continued development of children in their care.




Triple P - Positive Parenting Program 

Positive parenting is an approach to parenting which aims to promote children's development and manage children's behavior in a constructive and non-hurtful way. Triple P is delivered by a certified practitioner over a series of sessions in the family home.

to Work

Team Members


Speech & Language Pathologist

Speech-language Pathologists at New Family Solutions work with families to determine priority goals and objectives in the areas of communication and socialization. They provide families with strategies to help achieve the specific objectives. SLP's take into consideration the strengths of each individual child as well as ways to functionally incorporate strategies throughout the day as part of the families everyday routines.

Behavioral Consultant

The role of the Behavioral Consultant is to give families an understanding of how behavior works and how to implement new ideas and strategies to affect change. Their work is with parents and caregivers, when we as adults learn how to manage our own emotions and reactions, this will automatically begin to change the behavior of the people close to us.

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapists work in the areas of self-help, productivity and leisure.  Self-help and adaptive functioning include areas such as dressing, bathing and hygiene, toileting, sleep, and feeding.  Productivity for a child is the job of playing and learning!  Occupational therapists help expand and build on children’s play, including supporting children with their attention and focus, and self-regulation.  Leisure activities include community access, playing in the playground, and supporting children’s success in registered programs.  Occupational Therapists with New Family Solutions help children and their families build their toolboxes to gain independence and confidence in these areas.



Physiotherapists can help with challenges regarding gross motor skills such as sitting, walking, running or jumping. PT can address poor muscle tone, balance and coordination. They can support the family and child with participation in fun activities like playing at the playground, throwing a ball, learning to ride a bike and swimming.




The NFS psychologist is part of the collaborative multidisciplinary team and works directly with parents/caregivers by educating and empowering them in understanding their child’s emotional, social, behavioral, cognitive, and learning profiles. With this knowledge the psychologist assists parents in identifying their child’s unique strengths and areas of needs, and developing, implementing and monitoring concrete and functional goals and strategies to address their needs. Self-advocacy on the part of the parent and child is also considered and is key in development of the child’s program. When necessary the psychologist liaisons with community services to further ensure parent/caregiver and child success.


Please contact us by email or by telephone if you have any questions. Every day is important in the life of a child, we respond to requests for service as soon as possible and try to keep wait times to an absolute minimum.

New Family Solutions Inc.

Phone: 780-987-4374

Fax: 780-987-5157

Cell: 780-240-2411

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